Saturday, February 12, 2022

Warm Weather Travels

Here are some recent underwater photo experiments and sketches from a couple of weeks worth of travels, through Florida and Grand Cayman. For the underwater images, I am using a Sony A6400 camera in an Ikelite housing, with either a 50mm fixed lens and flat port or a 20mm lens with a dome port, using ambient light, as the reef is shallow.

White Ibis, Watercolor
Ding Darling Preserve, Sanibel Island

Brain Coral Studies, Grand Cayman

White Ibis, J.N. Ding Darling Preserve,
 18-135mm zoom

Damsel fish, Grand Cayman,
50mm lens, with Ikelite housing and
flat port, ambient lighting

Squirrelfish, Grand Cayman
50mm, with Ikelite housing and
flat port, ambient lighting


Sea Rods, Grand Cayman, 20mm lens,
with Ikelite dome port, ambient lighting

Spotted Trunkfish, Grand Cayman,
50mm lens, with Ikelite flat port, ambient lighting

Juvenile Blue Tang, Grand Cayman,
50mm lens with flat port, ambient lighting 


Catch of the Day - Feb 15

Over the past couple of days, we learned that our accommodations are located in the middle of a underwater marine preserve, including the ma...